Article by Charlton Luke, 29-08-2023
Hi there!
If you've just found out about this site, this article might not make sense to you. However, if you've been here before, welcome back.
The website has changed a bit, and all of the old articles have been archived in a private tab on this site. If you remember an article you liked and want to see it again, feel free to contact us. We will gladly send a link to the article to you.
Why the site got rebranded
Our old articles were written quite poorly. They weren't the easiest to read or understand, even though that was supposed to be what made InfoOwls the site it is.
One article took about 2 hours to make, including brainstorming, research, writing, fact-checking, and correcting any spelling errors. We chose quantity over quality, a mistake we won't make again.
Future plans
We are working on a YouTube channel where we will post our articles and additional projects in a video format. When it's done, we will put the link to the channel on our homepage.
A lot of new articles are coming soon, so stay tuned. We hope you have fun reading!
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Sources: Pexels