The truth behind the Invisible man tech

Natural invisibility

Would a real life invisibility suit be possible? Well, let's see.

In nature, some animals have camouflage. But that's not the same as invisibility. Camouflage is changing skin color because of adapting to the environment, but invisibility is complete transparency of every single part of your body. So actual invisibility is impossible, but there might be a way to cause an illusion of invisibility.


Already existing solution

Believe it or not, but there is already an existing invisibility cloak. It's called Quantum Stealth, and it works by bending light waves. However, it doesn't make you completely invisible. It looks like a dirty window, you can see trough it but you know something is there.


My solution

But i came up with something too. What if you have a suit covered in little screens and cameras which are all connected to each other, and the screens display what the cameras on the oppisite side of the suit are recording? You wouldn't be able to see the person in the suit, creating a fake kind of invisibility. content is not displayed due to your current cookie settings. Click on the cookie policy (functional and marketing) to agree to the cookie policy and view the content. You can find out more about this in the privacy policy.